Shrub End
Councillors Lyn Barton, Sam McCarthy and Mick Spindler

Your Shrub End Lib Dem Team
Sam McCarthy was elected as Colchester Councillor for Shrub End in 2019
Sam was relelected to represent Shrub End with a majority of 115 on 4th May.
Sam serves on the Crime and Disorder, Governance and Audit and Planning Comittees of the City Council.
Sam has been campaigning for better maintenance for our roads and pavements by the County Council.
Lyn Barton was first elected to reperesent Shrub End in 2006
A retired teacher and qualified youth worker, Lyn has campaigned on numerous issues to ensure Shrub End has the best facilities . She is a director of the Mercury Theatre and is passionate about the arts provision in Colchester.
Mick Spindler was elected to represent Shrub End in My 2022.
Mick has a keen interest in environmental issues, is an accredited Green Lib Dem Councillor and serves on the Council's Sustainability Panel.
Lyn was instrumental in mounting a successful campaign to ensure the former Alderman Blaxill School was retained for educational and community use. The icing on the cake was a brand new school which is now flourishing.
The team also campaigned for defibrillators as the ward had none . We are pleased that we can now boast at least five. The one at the Co-op is the most used in Colchester which proves the need for these potentially life saving devices.
We support the Foodbank and regularly deliver food supplies to residents . The team regularly organise litterpicks and cut back foliage as and when needed.